A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder triggered by a specific situation or object. In severe cases, it can lead to panic attacks. In some cases, you might feel extreme anxiety just thinking or talking about the situation or object.
A fear becomes a phobia if it exceeds the actual danger, lasts over six months, and significantly impacts your daily life.
Common examples of simple phobias include:
Animal phobias, like dogs, spiders, snakes, or rodents.
Environmental phobias, such as heights, deep water, and germs.
Situational phobias, like visiting the dentist, driving or flying.
Bodily phobias, such as blood, vomit, or injections.
Agoraphobia, a fear of crowded spaces where escaping might be difficult during a panic attack.
Social phobia, fear of speaking in front of people due to a fear of embarrassment and public humiliation.
*As a part of my duty of care, I'm unable to take on clients who have ever had a medical practitioner or mental health professional diagnose them with any of the following, as these are not suitable for hypnotherapy: Epilepsy, Narcolepsy, Bipolar Disorder, Personality Disorder, Psychotic Episodes, Schizophrenia, Major Depressive Disorder, or those who have a history of severe self-harm or suicidal attempts. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please feel free to email me.
Please take a moment to consider:
Do you experience overwhelming and panicked emotions?
Do you limit yourself from exploring new possibilities?
Do you avoid social events, even with close friends and family?
Do you feel embarrassed or immature about these fears?
Are you worried about having panic attacks and feeling humiliated?
Do you feel the need to conceal your worries?
Do you continually seek ways to escape stressful situations?
Are you overly concerned about how others see you?

How our therapy journey will benefit you:
Relieve overwhelming emotions, helping you regain control of your life.
Boost your confidence in handling challenges effectively.
Learn to confront your fears efficiently.
Learn self-hypnosis techniques for daily motivation.
Develop practical skills to manage stressful situations, ensuring control over your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Gain a better understanding of our emotions and response.
Nurture a positive relationship with yourself, accepting who you are and staying present in the moment.